Federal privacy legislation "An alphabet soup of federal privacy legislation" A webinar -- and actions!
ADPPA Who could have predicted? A potential "new compromise" for ADPPA! Can we talk about something besides preempting California for a second?
Automated Systems and Discrimination: Comments at FTC Public Forum for Commercial Surveillance and Data Security An extended remix of my two-minute public comments
ADPPA Stress-testing privacy legislation with a queer lens It turned out to be a very interesting process!
ADPPA Let's talk about the elephant: how well does ADPPA protect against post-Roe threats? Let's talk about the elephant in the room.
privacy news Privacy News: August 29 Getting the week off to a good start! Sephora to pay $1.2m to settle California privacy law claims Jessica Lyons Hardcastle, The Register (theregister.com) Sephora failed to disclose to consumers that it was selling their personal information, and failed to process user requests to opt out of sale
ADPPA ADPPA's algorithmic impact assessments are too weak to protect civil rights -- but it's not too late to strengthen them There's still time to improve the federal consumer privacy bill.
privacy news Privacy News: August 22 A range of stories to start the week off ... Birthing Predictions of Premature Death J. Khadijah Abdurahman on Logic Magazine (logicmag.io) Logic Magazine's incoming editor takes a powerful in-depth look at how family policing (aka "child welfare") became data-driven – and the horrific implications. Every aspect
privacy news Queer experience, privacy legislation, and other privacy News: August 18 How queer experiences should inform privacy laws, ADPPA may have a $200 million giveaway to telecoms, and more
privacy news Privacy News: August 15 Loyalty programs sharing pregnancy information, student privacy abuse here in Washington state, and much much more
ADPPA One out of six ain't good: Five ways the American Data Privacy and Protection Act falls short How does ADPPA respond to critiques of California's privacy law?
privacy news Privacy News August 9: StopShotspotter Week of Action and more Stop Shotspotter's week of action, Amazon buys Roomba (what could possibly go wrong? ), and dozens of links.
ADPPA The opportunity and the elephant: Federal Privacy Legislation Update, August 8 Even before June's Supreme Court decision ending Roe, Congress was under a lot of pressure to act on privacy – a recent poll says 80% of Americans want them to act, thanks to a steady stream of reporting on data abuse by government agencies, ed tech companies exploiting kids
privacy news Privacy News: August 3 ICE buying data from LexisNexis, expanding surveillance in London, a Stop Shotspotter teach in ... and more!
privacy news Privacy News: August 1 Selling data about pregnant people, federal privacy legislation, Shotspotter in contempt of court, and more!
ADPPA Is there an elephant in the Zoom room? CPPA says no to ADPPA preempting California law California's Privacy Protection Agency speaks out.
ADPPA Comments at the CPPA Special Board Meeting on federal privacy legislation, including ADPPA The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) had a public special board meeting today to discuss the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA), a federal consumer privacy bill that would override California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA). Pass the popcorn! Here were my comments, more or less – I edited a bit